Seven years already and CairoComix is still opening its doors for al lovers of the 9th art, that marked its existence in the region during the last decade, by its artists, authors, publishers and independents.
The festival is still focusing on the new editions and artists from Arab world and also similar inspiring models from around the world.
Looking for your enthusiasm as usual to this edition of CairoComix!

In the courtyard of the Mahmoud Mokhtar Center in Egypt, the audience receives the comic heroes with their unique features, tumultuous adventures, and unexpected plans. Cairo International for Comics” for this year, and runs until tomorrow, November 13.
The festival, known simply as "Cairo Comics", is the only festival specializing in the arts of comics; Its artists gather in this annual event for 3 days, to display their art, which ranges from magazines, brochures, brochures, and posters bearing "comics" stories ranging from science fiction, adventure, romance, and the cartoon world.

The Cairo Comix Festival pays wide attention to the independent movement of the art of comics in Egypt and the Middle East in particular. 
Although it is possible to spend years studying the nuances of design and the many diverse elements of how to succeed in it, there are a few essential elements that every designer should know before starting any project.
Shapes are the origin of the design. They are structures and shapes that makeup logos, illustrations, and countless other elements in all kinds of designs.
Shapes help the designer add interest or organize design elements. Nor are they strictly decorative, as shapes can have symbolic meanings, evoke feelings, or are used to direct the eye to the most important information.
Shapes are one of the basic elements of graphic design and you have a large variety of shapes to choose from. There are three basic types of shapes:
Geometric shapes
organic forms
abstract shapes
Geometric shapes
Geometric shapes are basic squares, rectangles, circles, triangles, etc. These shapes usually include sharp corners but may contain rounded elements. The most common geometric shapes are:
_Squares and rectangles

So in this project, we discussed the use of geometric shapes in making different designs, and since Cairocomix provides a creative space for artists, this is a call to go to the use of geometric shapes in designing comics.

Thank you!


